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College leadership is an opportunity for you, as college students, to serve our church together, to grow as followers of Jesus together, and to lead others as you develop as leaders together! We are looking for students currently attending college who are highly motivated, hard working, and spiritually hungry. College Leadership will require a significant amount of your time and effort, but we believe it will also make a significant impact on your life, your walk with Jesus, and your leadership journey.


While many of us feel ill-equipped or under qualified to step into leadership, remember this: God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called! If you are a follower of Jesus who wants to grow in your walk and serve others, we believe you are perfectly positioned to serve and to lead. So don’t stop here, keep reading!


We believe that there are incredible leadership opportunities at our church that would be a great fit for you! Through College Leadership we want to introduce you to more opportunities for more of you to serve, grow, and lead together. Below you will find all the information you need to know and application for becoming College Leaders!


In the application, you can indicate multiple leadership opportunities that interest you. Our church is committed to helping you to find your next step when it comes to your leadership journey. Let’s take a closer look!

College Leadership has two tracks: CARE GROUP LEADERSHIP  &  INTERNSHIPS 


  • Care Group Leadership is an incredible way to lead students in their walks with God through general connections and gatherings. 

  • All care group leaders are unpaid and require roughly 1-3 hours a month, with flexibility throughout the week as you reach out and connect with people in your group. We ask that care group leaders help champion the gospel and the church at all gatherings and on campus

  • The ideal commitment for all group leadership opportunities is the entire 2021-22 school year.

  • Care Group Leaders for Twentyish need to be entering their sophomore or higher year in college. 


  • Internships are a chance to be a part of a team of interns that serve within a particular ministry of our church. The goal of these internship teams is to be extensions of the staff and champions of the ministry!

  • All internships are unpaid and require approximately 8-10 hours a week, with at least part of that commitment during daytime hours which could conflict with your class schedule or other obligations. It is vitally important that you prioritize these time commitments in your weekly schedule if you are invited into one of these internships.

  • The ideal commitment for all internships is a full semester

  • We do many internships that also count as credit at CSU. We have done internships for Christian Studies, Finance, Marketing, and Graphic Design Majors


  • organizing volunteers

  • assisting with office tasks 

  • working with kids 

  • planning events 

  • media


  • Sunday Mornings (attend one service, serve one service)

  • Wednesday Evenings  |  6:00PM


The expectation for both Care Group Leaders and Interns is that Northwood Baptist Church would be your church home. Making Northwood your church home (while at college) looks like attending Sunday gatherings consistently and growing as a real champion of our church. This expectation is not to exclude anyone; rather, we have learned over the past few years that, to get the most out of your involvement and to pour the most into your leadership, it is crucial for your involvement to be focused, going deep in one place instead of being spread thin in multiple places. 


If you are ready to serve in some amazing ministries, learn from some incredible people in our church, grow in your walk with Jesus through consistent encouragement and challenge, and develop into the leader God has designed you to be, we would love for you to apply! 

Applications are due by July 31st! If you have any questions, please email

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