Northwood Kids provides a safe environment for children to Encounter God and Experience Community so that they become Equipped Disciples who are able to Engage Their World.
We want to partner with your family to disciple your children, so that each child has the Biblical foundation necessary to become a follower of Christ. We do this is through Life Connection Groups on Sunday morning. During your child’s LCG each Sunday they will hear a Bible Story from The Gospel Project Curriculum, taught in an age-appropriate way. Each lesson connects to Jesus and teaches kids how to apply Biblical truth to their lives.

When you arrive on Sunday morning, head to the check-in desk in our Children's building. There, you will be greeted by one of our friendly volunteers who will assist you with checking in, going over our safety procedures for pick-up, and printing your tags.
While you're enjoying the service, you can trust that your children will be well taken care of by our screened and trained volunteers. If we need you for any reason, you will receive a text alert.
When its time for pick-up, return to the children's lobby and give the pick-up volunteer your tag. A screened volunteer will go get your child from their classroom and bring them back to you!
We have classes available during both
services for all ages!
Babies and Toddlers | Birth-2 years old
Nursery is available during both the 9:30 and 11:00 services.
Preschool | 2- 5 years old
At 9:30, we have Life Connection Groups for our preschoolers. At 11:00, our preschoolers attend “Wee-Worship”, where they enjoy songs, crafts, and interactive play.
Younger Elementary | 5-8 years old/K-2nd grade
Younger Elementary attend Life Connection Groups at 9:30 and dive deeper into our weekly lesson through engaging worship, object lessons, and dynamic activities in Children’s Church at 11:00.
Older Elementary | 8-11 years old/3rd-5th grades
Older Elementary children are invited to join their parents in worship for one service and attend LCG at the same time as their parents. We have Life Connection Groups for this age during both service hours.